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Bus and Transportation

Students will be expected to maintain the same degree of orderliness and decorum as in school. All rules of reasonable conduct should be obeyed by students riding the buses in order to maintain their riding privileges. Video cameras are installed on all school buses. In the event of misbehavior, these videos will be viewed and shared with the student. Parents will be contacted. Bus privileges may be suspended at the discretion of the school. Consequences may also include loss of recess or an assigned seat. Please support us and explain to your child the extreme importance of STAY SEATED, TALK QUIETLY AND KEEPING YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF. Remember to always RESPECT ONE ANOTHER. Review these rules of safety with your child.

Every eligible child is assigned a bus route. You may only ride the bus that you are assigned to. Please do not request for your child to ride home on a different route than what you were assigned.

All bus routes are coordinated through the district Transportation Office, (708) 364-3338. The Request for Change and Pay Bus Forms are available on the District 135 website.



For daycare arrangements, you will need to send written documentation to the office indicating the exact days and dates for the school year that alternative transportation is required and the details of those arrangements.  If we do not have a letter from you regarding a change in the bus route, we will put your child on the regularly assigned bus.



Kindergarten students must have an adult available for them at the bus stop or the bus company will return the child to school.